Maundy Thursday? What is that? If Holy Week is confusing for your or your children, you can read all about the days of Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter) below. Click on the blog titles below to read more in-depth articles on each day.
What is Holy Week?
Holy Week recounts the final days of Jesus’ life including his death, burial, and resurrection. Discover the history of honoring Holy Week and more details about Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.
Holy Week History: What is Palm Sunday?
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday – a celebration of Jesus fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We celebrate Christ as king on Palm Sunday.
Holy Week History: What is Maundy Thursday?
Maundy Thursday honors the Last Supper, when Jesus established the Lord’s Supper. Churches celebrate Maundy Thursday by taking Communion.
Holy Week History: What is Good Friday?
Good Friday is marked by somber reflections on the death of Christ. When we meditate on what Jesus did for us, we are reminded of Jesus’ suffering and how powerful our sin is. Jesus took on our sin and experienced the ultimate separation from God so that we will never have to experience that.
Holy Week History: What is Easter Sunday?
Holy Week leads up to the celebration of Jesus’ triumph over death on Easter Sunday. The Resurrection gives us hope that one day we will also have eternal life with God!
In “Jesus Is The Good News!”, Phil Vischer explains Holy Week and the Resurrection in a way that helps children form an emotional connection to what Jesus did for us on the cross. Preview the DVD here.
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